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The Thing Most Feared

Pablo Rincon

Golden goddess milk honey orgasmic joy

HELLO! Charismatic Mexi-CAN cartoonist extraordinaire GELADAA here, greets you warmly.

I have high hopes for 2025. The second chapter WILL be released in the first third (first half at the most) of this glorious new year. Many more fantastic products along with it as well, to bring joy, wonder and eldritch, existential terror into your lives.

I want the first blog-post of this new year to be a MEATY one. I thought I would post some cool art and also share some of the things I deem most important with you. I want to share a slice of my philosophic work with you, marry it with many tasty visual tidbits. Hope that sounds like a good time for you.

This blog-post will completely and finally answer the monumentally important question:


Isn't that exciting? This subject is one central to INHELL of course; a story about finding a proper future beyond nihilism (nihilism means to worship nothingness). Pretty much everyone is a nihilist nowadays. How do I know this? Well, everyone who will state that "nothing is perfect" is a nihilist! You are most likely a nihilist. When you say "nothing is perfect" you are, unknowingly, secretly, saying a second idea.

The idea that "Nothing IS perfect".

You get it right? That is what nihilism is, and that has been, ever since Plato... the heart of the meaning that rules the world, a very sad state of affairs indeed. This blog-post will try to shed some light into this messy, touchy subject and point to a much healthier outlook. I will try to explain why "God" and "No-thing" are in fact the same thing, and why you should stop worshiping this "no-thing" and embrace life and the much maligned "mundane world".

This all sound so fucking stupid when you take the time to articulate it fucking Hell.

It's a system that makes everything faulty. It's a religion that sours the totality of existence. THAT is what I want to bring down. Down to China-town for its last beat-down.

Anyway, on to:


I talked in a video I made some time ago about "the destroyed pillars of the world". The pillars of the world that "technical language" brings down. "Technical language" being a way of thought in which you talk and think in a purely positive way. The reality is, negativity is in reality merely comparison, a comparison that is purely positive. What I mean by this is that if you say "I lack talent" for example, even though you perceive a LACK in you, something that you may think is negative, every part of that equation of meaning is positive.

"I lack talent" is about comparing your current situation (a positive idea) with the IDEA OF TALENT (a positive phenomenon conjured by your mind) and then adding a third symbol in between:


Please notice that I had to google that symbol, copy and paste it (since I wasn't sure how to type it in my keyboard). That symbol, just like the concept of "TALENT" and that of "I" is positive. A phenomenon that IS.

In fact, for something "not-to-be" it has to first BE as an idea.

Technical language is what emerges when you realize and integrate this reality, the reality of the fundamentally positive nature of being, into your thought. In my second "GUIDE TO THE SUPERMAN" video I explain this further. In that video I also explain how technical language reveals various concepts to be incoherent, invalid. I call these "destroyed pillars of the world". One of these pillars is the famous "God" everyone cares so much about. The monotheistic God. Here is what I wrote about that subject.

Confront it and embrace a new world:


Golden goddess milk honey orgasmic joy

God and “objective/final truth” are one and the same. God is the "truth of the world" and it is the FINAL truth of the world meaning that no other thing can go against it/him. God´s features are as follow:

-He is omnipotent

-He is omniscient

-He is omnipresent

I should be noted that these features don't harmonize with any others. They, in fact, exclude all other possible features, because to have features is to be limited in some way. If you have something, it means you don't have something else. To be rich is not to be poor, to be strong is not to be weak. Of course one could be strong and weak in different ways, but I mean, a specific feature is as much about being as it is about not being. The number 1 is not the number 2. You understand. To be "absolute" is actually... not to be.

If you reflect on the definition of omnipotence and omniscience, you will come to the conclusion that the very attributes that define the monotheistic God make him incompatible with the concept of existence, in the just the same way as Plato´s "ideal forms"

God is the very concept of external authority. "External authority": a concept which is a contradiction, an inherently incoherent notion as authority, in order to be authoritative, cannot be external. Authority is in fact what is present, what is internal, what is here. God is, by definition, always elsewhere, that is what is meant by "the transcendent God".

Let me quote Satan´s lovely daughter SIN, talking to his father:

HERE thou shalt Monarch reign,

There didst not; there let him still Victor sway,

As Battel hath adjudg'd, from this new World

Retiring, by his own doom alienated,

And henceforth Monarchie with thee divide

Of all things parted by th' Empyreal bounds,

His Quadrature, from thy Orbicular World...

God is, by definition... "beyond".

Authority is "you cannot touch your right elbow with your right hand". THAT is what something authoritative. It is not by external decree that you cannot touch your right elbow with your right hand, rather, it is the very STRUCTURE of your arm that makes this impossible. It is therefore impossible to "disobey" true authority. True authority is internal, intrinsic. In contrast with God, that is always frustrated, always "beyond" Satan (meaning the principle of antagonism) is always tangibly HERE.

SATAN as LEGION, Satan as MANY. God is singular, God is the idea of the total unity of all things, while Satan stands for language, for duality, for the multitude, for conflict. Satan triumphs in so far as he IS. He cannot lose the fight, because as long as he fights, he is contradicting the unity of God. If God is omnipotent, omniscient, all-knowing, then there is nothing beyond his will, if that is the case, then Satan cannot really be sinful/disobedient. One cannot oppose, hinder, contradict an omnipotent being.

That´s not how the concept works.

Golden goddess milk honey orgasmic joy

There is a fundamental difference between “Gods” and “God” then. The notion of "Gods" is fundamentally Satanic, as it deprives all Gods of omnipotence. They are not alone in their category. This is why I can assert that GODS can be a thing, while GOD cannot, by definition, exist. The wind may have authority, an authority that may prove superior or inferior to the authority of the roots of a tree, but both of these authorities are relative, present (as opposed to transcendent)... crucially non-final, in-flux, engaged in conflict. This is why polytheism is true and monotheism is a incoherent.

Monotheism cannot abide conflict, monotheism was, to a large extent, likely devised because, in contrast with polytheism, it helps affirm a single authority as valid. The very notion of conflict is incompatible with an all knowing, all-seeing, all-powerful being. If he was all-knowing and all-seeing and all-powerful, there would be nothing for him to know or see or do as there would be nothing against which he could bump into.

Friction, friends, is the heart of existence, relativity. There, is, by definition, no tangible, active absolute, as the moment said absolute “landed” into reality, said “entrance” into reality would make the thing cease to be absolute. To exist is to be relative. God is, in fact, the only thing that cannot ever exist. There could be a flying spaghetti monster, but, by the very structure of being, the absolute could never be isolated.

If God DID anything something, if God SAW anything, if there was any phenomenon that somehow clashed with him, then he would no longer absolute, he would be, no matter how powerful, just A-God and not THE-God.

You cannot therefore anger God.

You can anger "the god of cleanliness" by failing to take a shower, or "the god of ants" by killing an ant, but you cannot anger a God that specifically stands for "being" itself. Said God, by encompassing the totality, cannot exist within said totality as an agent, as a point of view, as a set of preferences or a judge.

This is perhaps the true message of Christ: the idea of the impossibility of SIN.

Four men kill God: Nietzsche, Freud, Darwin, Jesus.

And now a fifth: yours truly.

All those names, so particular, so specific, so individual.

Embrace the challenge of finding pertinent authority, proper authority, fun authority, exciting authority, or any kind of authority you may wish for. Discard the foolish idea o "final authority", something you will not find even as you breathe your last breath.

Embrace the world that stands ever in rebellion against "final authority", the world that is endless process, where only relative authorities reign. Where, as Sin states, only the principle of ANTAGONISM rules. You are that principle. Embrace your true name!


It´s so amusing, people wish for there to be a God, in order to be saved, to be consoled, to find safety. Safety from who? Salvation and safety from what? You only exist via your antagonist towards God, meaning, you only exist because you exist as an INDIVIDUAL. If you were to melt into the "God soup" there would be no perception, there would be nothing. That is what God is; nothing.

If God was absolute there would be nothing to be afraid of! Do you see how absurd it is? God would need no miracles, as all of existence would be his perfect will in equal measure. Miracles, if they are exceptions, would imply a tinkerer God, one whose initial creative act was insufficient/imperfect, and thus demanded later corrective action.

People think that arguing against this “external authority” amounts to saying that the world is not strict, that this is a world where “anything goes” willy-nilly. They would go mad, they claim, if there was no God. If we lived in a world of imprecision, a “random” world. First of all, this makes no sense as "Chance" is a precise idea. "Random" is a precise idea. Is that not an amusing thought?

This points to the fact that the world is INFINITELY PRECISE. Things are exactly what they are, down to the infinite and thus DELIBERATE and yes, PERFECT... down to the infinite.

Things exist in friction, things exist as processes only. By worshiping “the absolute” we are merely finding a method to insult the world, and live in incoherent indigestion. We create a barrier around things to be digested. Things like trauma, cherished ideas, impressive horrors etc… This barrier makes them fester and slowly destroy us. This is taboo, this is “the holy” this is “objectivity”. There is no final truth, only consensus, as truth, along with the rest of the universe, is un-ending process.

This is a world of endless ends, a new conclusion every instant. Isn´t that the best thing imaginable? Do you realize the joy of it? Of endless NEW? Do you really want to find yourself locked into a completely set world, a world where you know everything… would you even be alive at that point?

Verify the impossibility of God right now, where you are, by noticing the truth of this; existence is process, existence is fire, there is no final truth. The word “God” as it is most often used, means only “taboo”; a place where thought is made to end, for the sake of stabilizing authority. A poison we swallow to counter the vertigo of the infinite. A contradiction to short-circuit the potential of growth in us. But we need to grow. We need to grow to live. To grow, we must discard a God we have out-grown.

Again, I share this quote by ol' Fred, and bid you farewell until the next time.

Indeed, at hearing the news that 'the old god is dead', we philosophers and free spirits feel illuminated by a new dawn; our heart overflows with gratitude, amazement, forebodings, expectation - finally the horizon seems clear again, even if not bright; finally our ships may set out again, set out to face any danger; every daring of the lover of knowledge is allowed again; the sea, our sea, lies open again; maybe there has never been such an open sea...

Oh, and remember to REGISTER for free comics and updates! It will bring JOY (the good kind not the commie kind) in the future if you do!

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